Karoline’s Gardeners

This last weekend, Pamlico Rose and PRIHC hosted its first gardening retreat at Rose Haven Center of Healing.  Retreat staff, PRI Executive Director Rob, PRIHC members Susan and Sean, and volunteer Becky welcomed four women to the two day event (the retreat name they selected for the event, Karoline’s Gardeners), which began at noon on Friday and concluded at […]

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Honoring Army Veteran Sara Keys Evans by Building a Bridge

Sarah Keys boarded a bus in Trenton, NJ in August of 1952 as a woman soldier on leave going home to visit her parents in Washington, NC.  Private Keys got off the bus, not in Washington, NC and not of her own volition, but in Roanoke Rapids and arrested for disorderly conduct. In 1946, the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) ruled that on buses thattravel across state

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The Farm

The Blind Center’s vision of a wellness garden includes growing spaces we call pods which are encircled by and connected to each other by pathways. Within the crop circle-like pods are an assortment of veggie-bearing beds. Lavender seedlings are planted three feet apart and three feet from pathway borders. The vegetables will support the nutritional

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Cold Weather…or Not

Temperatures hit a balmy 29 degrees this November morning. Even the sun seemed to shiver as it climbed from its nocturnal blanket – not a morning many would consider inviting to gardeners, anxious to roll out of their own beds and into their gardens. For our PRI Health Corps members, sub-freezing temps, or not, anxious or not, November mornings like this are exactly days to roll out of bed and put on several layers of warmth, anticipating great things to happen in our

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Germinating the Healing Seed of Wellness in Community Gardens

Going hungry is no joke. CNBC reports that twenty-five percent of Americans skip a meal or two every couple days because they can’t afford the food to eat. According to the USDA, 33 million adults and five million children experience daily struggles getting enough and/or the right kind of food to eat. Food insecurity is defined by the USDA as “a lack of consistent access

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Community-based East Carolina Veterans Coalition helps close the gaps in meeting the needs of at-risk Veterans 

Pamlico Rose Institute is a member of, and the financial agent for, East Carolina Veterans Coalition The East Carolina Veterans Coalition (ECVC) is a collection of non-profits, government agencies, Veteran Service Organizations and Veterans. With the financial help of the Bob Woodward Foundation (BWF), the Coalition sponsors county Veteran stand downs, helps individual Veterans meet

Community-based East Carolina Veterans Coalition helps close the gaps in meeting the needs of at-risk Veterans  Read More »

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