Community Building

Total Life Fitness (TLF) Retreats

TLF 1–3-day retreats introduce the notion of life fitness and models the importance of meaningful and persistent attention to daily activities and events though healthy nutrition, exercise, creative expression, yoga, connecting with nature, and team building to wellness. The retreat provides awareness and beginning application of behavioral skills such as anxiety management, mindfulness, interpersonal competence and the importance of self-transcendence as means to manage the effect of trauma and other experiences of stress that stand in the way of healthy living. Read more about TLF here. We hosted two 3-day TLF retreats (read about one here) prior to April 2020 before having to put on hold future retreats due to COVID. We anticipate starting up retreats in the Fall of 2022.

TLF Activity Classes (*coming 2022)

All of our activity classes are free of charge to women Veterans, and many of them are open to the community at a small cost. Volunteer workers at Rose Haven that work more than 5 hours a week can attend many at no charge. More informally, women Veterans and others can participate/volunteer in our renovation and gardens efforts.

Yoga – Thursdays, 9 am in the Gardens at Rose Haven (and Facebook livestreamed from PamlicoRoseInstitute). Taught by Melissa Anglemyer

Cooking & Eating Healthy
12-step meetings
Book Club
Professional Training

The Center will also host a variety of events open to the community, such as our Garden Concerts, art exhibits, presentations, and other events. Please follow our social media pages to be kept current on upcoming events. 

With the Center fully coming “online” with the Haven House and Gurkins Community Center/Maker Space renovations complete joining the BAS Gardens, we anticipate offering the use of the Center, or parts of the Center, for a reasonable fee when schedule allows to interested community organizations and individuals for events such as weddings, business retreats or other social functions. All proceeds from these events will go to supporting the operations and programming of the Center. 

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