Here at PRI Health Corps, we have partnered with Beaufort County Community College to create a wellness garden experience for the community to get an educational view on nutrition and provide the local community with a source of healthy free produce. Pamlico Rose Institute has partnered with AmeriCorps for the this program to be possible. Through the help of Dr. Sands and our AmeriCorps members, we will provide education to our under-resourced adults in the community with wellness and gardening as a life skill.

We have created a unique atmosphere for all students and the community to experience to learn how to garden. We harvest weekly and provide the college with fresh produce and local recipes from our staff. Sundial Gardens is one of three of our PRI Healthcorps gardens located at BCCC. This garden allows us to provide an abundance of fresh produce for our local community, who could otherwise afford healthy choices due to income or disabilities. Our main goal is to have provide a complete wellness experience to the public while maintaining the standards of healthy eating and a healthy mind. A big part of our goal is to educate the public on areas of growing your own food, nutrition, and mental wellbeing. Our director, Dr. Robert Sands designed our gardens as a radial to be able to provide people with a safe walking space. This space boasts two sitting areas to clear your mind. One is located in Herbville overlooking the gardens from the Northwest. Our other location overlooks the marshlands that the college had a restoration project a few years back. Our sun shelter provides the community to have educational field trips from our local school, a place to do your homework, a planting space for our garden, or just a space to relax and sit back and reflect on life.